
Monday, May 9, 2011

Back to Fields I Go

So I have been back here at Lima, Peru for about a week, give or take a few days and how amazing it is to be back. I'm ready to continue plowing in the fields of Lima, Peru and I'm ready to see a greater harvest this coming season. I'm holding God at a high expectancy. 

There has been some slight changes to my responsibilities, I'm still doing everything I was before, now I'm taking 6 seminary classes which will last about 5 months, plus God is moving me in a direction to where I learn about media, photography, photo editing and much more. I had a great time in the States but I sure did miss Lima. Taking a month "off" to go visit family and friends WAS refreshing and very much needed after being here for 8 months. 

In these 5 months I have left here I' m learning to just allow myself to be lead by him and be effective in what I do. I noticed most people (even non-Christians) are doing things that God has not lead them to do and they are so unfulfilled. I see them and you can tell they desire for something more, deep down inside there is this desire that saying "THERE IS MORE TO THIS LIFE!" instead they continue to live a mundane lifestyle.

Why is it that we are afraid to break loose from the every day routine and enjoy life to the fullest in Christ? We were made with the intentions to have FLOWING rivers in us but instead we just turn the knob on the poor little faucet we have when ever it's needed. I can't be one of those people, I desire more and this God desire in me is calling me to greater things. There is no way I can remain hidden amongst life as if I had none myself. If rivers are supposed to FLOW from us then I want NIAGRA FALLS coming out of me.

You have a desire that may or may not have to do directly with ministry; it doesn't matter because we are all made to bring Him glory in different ways. I want to encourage you to keep your vision/desire in prayer, pursue it, long for it, and pray that Jesus would have His way in your life. If you are getting caught up in every day "busyness" I pray that God would shake you out of that and that you would enter into a productive/effective lifestyle of worship. 

Don't allow your-self to get caught up in church activities or busyness. Maintain your relationship with Jesus and pursue after Jesus to receive what He has for you. 
