
Monday, November 15, 2010

The Fire is Burning Away All Impurities.

I honestly don't even know where to start. My world last week was turned upside down. But through it all God some how ALWAYS gets the GLORY. So let me talk about what happened and then BRAG on my awesome Lord, Jesus! And even now in the beginning of this process God is teaching me so much.

Well it actually started 5 or 6 years ago, I've been having knee problems and never really went to the doctor for it. Within those years my knee would swell up and  I would not be able to walk. Sometimes I would have to ICE it, because of the swelling. Sometimes the pain was so great I would just sit there and cry, it was too overwhelming. I'm the kind of guy that prefers not to go to the doctor and just pray about it. So I never went because I honestly would of felt like I had no faith. 

                                         1) HE WILL ALWAYS PUT KEY PEOPLE IN YOUR LIFE

Here in Peru I have 2 disciples (guy's who I mentor) and they are brothers, their names are Diego and Cesar. Diego one day noticed I was complaining about my knee and said, "Victor, my mom is an X-Ray technician  and the manager of that department at a hospital, if you want I could talk to her about giving you FREE X-Rays"... (Long Story short I went)

Once I got the X-Ray, I was given a FREE doctor's visit. The doctor IMMEDIATELY noticed 2 things wrong. 
1) I USED to have a disease called Osgood-Schlatter. It's basically something that eats your bones (my knees). I had it when I was small, but my body fought back and DON'T HAVE IT ANYMORE, but have the effects of it.
2) I HAVE Osteoarthritis, which means it affects your cartilage, ligaments, tendons, and muscles. Which only affects mostly males in their 40+ years. Right now I don't have cartilage between BOTH my knees, and the tendons in BOTH my hands are giving out. So they said I need to do rehab on my knees, and arms. So I don't lose strength and build muscle around my knee to support the weight I put on it.
3) He said because I have #2 I must have either Gout or Diabetes, so the next day I went and got blood work done for FREE and turns out I have Gout. Which means my blood basically has high levels of a certain acid. And that acid caused the tendons and cartilage to mess-up. (So the doctor says) 

When the doctor found out I had Gout, awkwardly, he was excited because it turns out he is actually an EXPERT in that sickness. (KEY PEOPLE)
So the doctor then :
1) Gave me prescriptions for meds 
2) Told me I needed to lose weight
3) Get on a diet
4) And was excited about the "further study" he was going to do on me. Because this only happens in older males and it happen to me in my teenage years.
                                          2) HE IS THE ULTIMATE SOURCE OF PROVISION

I' m not going to lie I went home devastated, upset, mad, confused and hurt. I was in prayer and was asking God "Why?"... "I'm serving you Jesus and my body is always in pain"... Then God spoke to me and said, "Because you have put my Kingdom FIRST, I' m going to heal you..... through medicine'' ..Matthew 6:33, "Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need." I didn't want to receive that word, I did not want to except the fact that God would use something natural to heal me. Why couldn't I have a "Benny Hinn Experience" and just be healed instantly/supernaturally. So after fighting with my self and my faith, I accepted this is what HE IS DOING. I don't understand why. But through it all God has provided everything and just requires my faithfulness.

Here is TESTIMONY to what God IS doing:

1) X-Ray's... FREE
- Diego/Cesar's Mom is the manager
2) Blood work.... FREE
- Diego/Cesar's Mom has friends/connections
3) Continuous Doctor's visits.... FREE
-Diego/Cesar's Mom has friends/connections
4) Physical therapy visits..... FREE
-Cesar's friend is the manager in the same hospital in the Physical Therapy Dept.
5) Equipment for physical therapy.... FREE
-Cesar's friend is the manager in the same hospital in the Physical Therapy Dept.
6) Medicine..... FREE
-The Pastors here PAID for ALL my Med's.
7) Personal Trainer to lose weight.... FREE
-Cesar trains in fighting, and is gonan train me in working out
8) Dietician..... FREE
-Cesar knows and does all that since he trains and diets himself.

So no matter how hard it has been, God has been there for me, to lift me up when I feel that I can't stand up no more. Not many will understand that statement, but for those of you who do. You're not alone, I understand. The other day I went to get laser/electricity shot into my knee, so my muscles around my knee would "wake-up" and remember they are alive, because I don't use my knee much because of the pain. But here is a picture of me at the Physical Therapist office.
Here he is shooting laser/shock in my knee. (Did not hurt)
He made me wear glasses "just in case".... (Uhmm just in case what?)

Then he put this "special" lamp on my knee to loosen the muscles, then he gave my whole right leg a massage.


Don't loose hope, don't forget Jesus IS WITH you through it all, and you're not alone.

Psalms 97:1, "Though a thousand fall at your side, though ten thousand are dying around you, these evils will not touch you."

This is the scripture I stand on.