
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

It's Been One Year

A year ago today I was walking off the plane into Peruvian soil. Wow...

I remember when Pastor Jose and Kathryn, their two boys Logan (6) and Tim (5) and I landed in Lima. We GAVE away everything, our cars, our furniture, our appliances, our house decorations, our TV's, you name it, we gave it away. I left my secure job, my mom, my ENTIRE family, school, my 'American Dream', friends, all and every comfort. Between the 5 of us we packed our lives into 23 suitcases and headed into the unknown. When we started walking towards the van that was picking us up, I thought to myself, "This is it, this is my new home, this is where I will live the rest of my life, in Peru"
Ps.Jose, Kathryn and the boys
Us walking around Lima the 1st day

This past year of my life has been a TREMENDOUS stretching. I have been put in situations where I have never been and have gotten the privilege to do things I've never done before. Since I've been here these are A FEW  things that I've gotten to do, experience, had to live, or areas I've personally have been tested in.

1) Live in a third world country (Peru)
2) Visit Ecuador and Colombia
3) Found out I have a 2 medical condition called Gout and Osteoarthritis. Plus a few months in physical therapy.
4) Had the privileged of mentoring a group of young men for a year that CHANGED MY LIFE. In a few weeks I will moving to another city, but sons will always be son's no matter where you go. Literally most of my focus has been on pouring out my everything into their life.
5) Had the awesome experience/privilege to see Jesus provide continually, even when we where down to zero on cash and sometimes had nothing to eat, Jesus till this day continues to provide in a way that I've never knew.
6) Had the privileged to minister at a youth conference and many youth events.
7) Raise someone from the dead.........................j/k NOT YET! LOL

Anyway, these are just a few things, there is SO MUCH that falls under these 6 points, as well as the points not listed. But that's just a SMALL glimpse in what God is doing.

I CAN say that I am a different person, in serving Jesus I have found out so much about ME, there has been such a push by the Holy Spirit to mature and grow in many areas. This past year has been invested, not spent/wasted, but invested. In COUNTLESS days of intercession and praying, travailing in prayer, crying out to God like never before, sleepless nights or crying my self to sleep (yes, I'm being open and honest), depending on him for the little things in life, like money for haircut, food, hot water, bus fare, things that used to come so easy, now seem like obstacles, I literally have depended on him for the simple things in life, not luxuries, SIMPLE THINGS. I've learned that life as a missionary is very very very challenging, but by His grace I'm doing it, I have experienced tons of loneliness here in Lima, in life as well as in ministry, but in that valley I've gained a FRIENDSHIP, and that friendship is with Jesus, this relationship with Jesus is seriously key for me. 

I've learned to give my all to Jesus, my personal ambitions and goals, desires and wants, seriously mean NOTHING, and like the apostle said in  

Phillipians 3:8,
"Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For His sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ."
I have become kingdom minded and kingdom focused, souls matter to me, JESUS MATTERS TO ME. I don't care if I don't accomplish my wants and needs in life, I want to accomplish HIS WILL. I've learned that my life IS and WILL continue to be pleasing to Jesus. If I don't see my family ever again, if I don't get married, if I am murdered for the gospel and for professing Jesus, it doesn't matter. I died to my self a long time ago, 

Galatians 2:20 says, 

"My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."

This scripture is real to me, I' m wrecked, my life is ruined and my love is Jesus' and He is my hearts desire. If you get anything from this blog, get this, live a life of total abandonment to Jesus.... That's it, it's simple but yet complicated.

So let's fast forward to today. We are moving to Piura, Peru in about 3 1/2 weeks to begin our church plant. I' am super excited, this is what I was literally made for. Soon we will have a church where we will be bringing the good news of Jesus' goodness. Preaching Christ and Him crucified.

Also Ps. Kathryn is about 14 or so weeks pregnant, keep her in prayer, continue to pray for her health and the baby's health. 
This is her baby bump

So I leave you with that. My year has been completely wrecked, filled with pain, joy, adventure, and countless blessings. In a few weeks we move, to do a church plant and do what God called us to do. And in Feb. Kathryn will have a baby. Keep our 5 member mission team in prayer (soon to be 6 with the baby) and continue praying for us, we believe this second year of our lives will be another level of glory for Jesus. 

Pray constantly for:
- All of our health's, so we are more than able to do his work.
- Supernatural provision.
- For the Holy Spirit to draw men and women to HIS church
- For Peru as a nation
- For miracles signs and wonders
- For protection and safety for EVERY MEMBER of our ''Peru Missions Team''
- And now also, pray for our church "Power House Peru", for it's members and their spiritual growth, maturity, and their faith.

I want to personally thank every individual person who has given through our church, my personal bank account our on the top with the PayPal "Donate" button to our mission here in Peru. Every single dollar has been greatly appreciated. Thank you for giving into God's kingdom and know that you are investing in SOULS here in Peru. Many in heaven one day will thank you because of it.

Once we move to Piura into our new home and once we get wifi I will post my next blog.

I leave you with this song that is in my spirit right now, please 
click the link BELOWand watch/listen to this song.

CLICK HERE-- To go to YouTube and watch "When I Think About the Lord"

Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Sacred Place of Loneliness

I wanted to share with you a revelation that God showed me about being a leader, and feeling that loneliness in the ministry. But this apply's to just about anyone who feels that solitude in their hearts.


Deep inside every human being there is a big empty vacuum that craves for connectedness. In other words, all humans have a need to feel a connection with something outside of themselves - something that fills the deepest part of their souls. Without this, they experience deep loneliness, or in other words - disconnection.

I see it as a spiritual place. I believe that this 'place' is sacred because it is reserved for God and God alone. He is the only one who can satisfy the deepest part of our soul. Only God can give us the connectedness that we all crave. It is in this sacred place of loneliness where God fellowships with us and develops an intimate spiritual relationship with us. Then the pain of loneliness becomes the joy of solitude.


Scripture says, "... the Lord has SET APART the godly for himself." Ps. 4:3
That verse reminds me of another quote I once read: 
“Lord, make me little and unknown, prized for thee and thee alone.”
I believe that when we know that God prizes us for himself, we will no longer crave for anything else to fill the vacuum. We won't even care if we are unimportant and unknown to people around us. When we experience connection with God, our soul is filled with peace and contentment - even while we experience the pain of loneliness and separation from human community.


It is during times of deepest loneliness that God often gives his loved ones a sense of destiny. In fact, he himself leads them into solitary experiences in order to prepare them to hear his voice.

L. Ravenhill has said, "Great eagles fly alone, great lions hunt alone, great souls walk alone with God."
Think of Joseph who was left abandoned in prison - forgotten. No one knew that he was there on false charges. No one cared. But through that lonely experience God was shaping him for an important duty.

There were many others in the Bible who knew the pain of loneliness; for example, Job, Moses, the prophets, and Paul. Effective leaders, receive their calling when alone with God. They continued to walk in that lonely calling, enduring many times of painful isolation from family, peers, and church members. They endured being misunderstood, criticized, ostracized with no opportunity to defend themselves.

It was in that place of loneliness where they received God's direction, encouragement, hope and empowerment. During their times of loneliness, God forged within their souls a crystal-clear conviction of their destiny. That assurance gave them the bold faith to venture where no human would dare go. The results of their work have been astounding and will last throughout all eternity.


Jesus was well acquainted with the pain of loneliness, especially during his Gesthemane experience. Imagine the agonizing longing of his heart when he begged his disciples to join him to pray. He must have felt extremely abandoned when they failed to remain by his side. Jesus had a very lonely calling, but he remained loyal to it.

In spite of the pain of abandonment, Jesus treasured the sacred place of loneliness. He said, "Yet I am not alone, the Father is with me." John 16:32. He was well acquainted with the presence of the Father - especially during the turbulent times of his life.
Jesus carefully preserved the Sacred Place of Loneliness. He remained closely connected with his Father. He never let himself be distracted by others, because of his strong relationship with his Father.


King David was well acquainted with feelings of loneliness and abandonment. He once said, "No one is concerned for me, I have no refuge; no one cares for my life." Ps. 142:4 
During those difficult times, he sought refuge in God. He said, Ps. 142:5 "I cry to you, O Lord; I say , 'you are my refuge..'" …. David's spirit thrived best during his times of loneliness and isolation. It was in the pasture, the hills, the caves, and the wilderness where God's Spirit intertwined with his spirit.

However, at one point in his life he took an attractive woman to fill the void that was Bathsheba. That only brought grief to his soul. His failures taught him just how important it was to allow God to fill the Sacred Place of Loneliness.

The account of David's failure and restoration gives us hope in God's faithfulness to draw his children back to himself - even when they slip away. None of us are any different in our struggle with temptation. Our lonely times are times of testing and we will often find other ways to fill it. Doing that we will fail to let God fill the empty place in our soul. However, like David, it is our failures that will help us see our need to let God fill the Sacred Place of Loneliness.


We dread loneliness. We try to avoid it.

However, because they are never adequate, we will keep on searching for more ways to bring satisfaction. Sadly, by doing this we are selling ourselves short because we never discover the beauty of relationship with God.

We must not allow anyone to fill the void of this sacred place in our souls - not even the most important persons in our lives. King Saul is a good example of someone who failed to stay connected with God. As a result, he lost his ability to be an objective leader. He lost connection with God and became a failure. Think of the misery and painful loneliness he must have endured as a result - right up to the end of his life.


Leaders know the reality of loneliness, simply because they cannot follow the crowd. They must be able see ahead - what the people can't see. Because they must stand apart from the people to some extent in order to remain objective, they will always experience some degree of loneliness. This makes them prone to certain temptations.

When they don't accept their loneliness and seek God in prayer, they open themselves to the temptation to become relevant in the eyes of the people. They abandon the Sacred Place of Loneliness, and instead listen to the voices of people. They end up doing what people expect of them, but what God never authorized. This is true for many Christian leaders who have become overly occupied with their ministries.

Like King Saul, countless leaders have prostituted themselves to the opinions of people for such a long time that they can no longer discern the voice of God. They really do not understand HIS will. Nor are they able to lead the sheep in the right direction. In fact, they themselves are the lost sheep. Under them the sheep scatter, spiritually speaking. Together they wander in a barren wilderness. They fail to accomplish mighty works for God. This is why it is important to guard the Sacred Place of Loneliness. A leader must always be willing to be alone with God, and go against the crowd, no matter the cost.


This hidden spiritual place within us must always remain sacred - guarded from intrusion - guarded FOR God and God alone. It is where one learns to separate out God's voice from all other incoming voices. It must be carefully protected by well-defined boundaries. If those boundaries are weak, other influences will invade and damage our relationship with God.

We protect this place by desiring God's will more than anything. We protect our oneness with God by being willing to stand alone with him rather than compromise with others. When we are alone with God, we can honestly express our deepest feelings, our complaints, our anger, and our fears to God. God is not afraid of our strong emotions. He understands us better than anyone. It is with him whom we should wrestle through and resolve our issues of life. The important thing is that no matter how strong our emotions are - like anger, grief, fear etc, we must not turn our back towards God.

There will definitely be times when God works through circumstances to draw us away from the crowd and towards him. Loneliness can be very agonizing. Yet somehow we must learn to accept them, and even treasure those times of solitude. We will be rewarded eventually if we recognize that God is calling us towards himself.

While it is true that we need relationship and accountability with others, that must never be at the expense of our separate identity and oneness with God. We must learn to reserve a spot in our hearts, separating it from the crowd in order that God alone can fill it. After all, on the Final Day we will stand alone before him.


During trials such as losses, sickness, burnout, discouragement, broken relationships, failures, rejections, etc., people often feel abandoned or misunderstood. Above all, they experience loneliness.

Elijah struggled with loneliness and depression. God did not criticize him. Instead God met him, speaking in a gentle whisper. Then God gave him food as well as an important job.

When we cry out to God in our loneliness, we too will experience his tender love. Regardless of our feelings, God will teach us to trust that he fully understands. That is really all we need.


Throughout history, many gifted people have produced magnificent creative works in the midst of agonizing loneliness and rejection.

We still enjoy their art, literature, music, poetry, theology, sermons, and other forms of creativity. The inspiration for these works was birthed in the lonely place and therefore they were not a product of the trends of the day. That is what gives them a lasting quality which transcend time and culture.

EXAMPLES: King David wrote many Psalms, Jesus at the garden of Gethsemane- out of that came the cross, Moses going up and down the mountain Siani at 80 years old to hear form God- out of him came the 10 commandments, and Elijah raised the dead and called down fire from heaven.

In some special way, God can also use us in our loneliness. He can spring something beautiful from within us that profoundly touchdes others - in a way that counts throughout eternity. But most importantly, he will reward us with his marvelous presence, reminding us that we are indeed prized FOR GOD and God alone. Isn’t that what we really want?

We need to endured to the fullness of loneliness which his the penalty of greatness. In the midst of loneliness great things are birthed. Allow God to birth something in you.

I pray that this revelation was a blessing to you.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Back to Fields I Go

So I have been back here at Lima, Peru for about a week, give or take a few days and how amazing it is to be back. I'm ready to continue plowing in the fields of Lima, Peru and I'm ready to see a greater harvest this coming season. I'm holding God at a high expectancy. 

There has been some slight changes to my responsibilities, I'm still doing everything I was before, now I'm taking 6 seminary classes which will last about 5 months, plus God is moving me in a direction to where I learn about media, photography, photo editing and much more. I had a great time in the States but I sure did miss Lima. Taking a month "off" to go visit family and friends WAS refreshing and very much needed after being here for 8 months. 

In these 5 months I have left here I' m learning to just allow myself to be lead by him and be effective in what I do. I noticed most people (even non-Christians) are doing things that God has not lead them to do and they are so unfulfilled. I see them and you can tell they desire for something more, deep down inside there is this desire that saying "THERE IS MORE TO THIS LIFE!" instead they continue to live a mundane lifestyle.

Why is it that we are afraid to break loose from the every day routine and enjoy life to the fullest in Christ? We were made with the intentions to have FLOWING rivers in us but instead we just turn the knob on the poor little faucet we have when ever it's needed. I can't be one of those people, I desire more and this God desire in me is calling me to greater things. There is no way I can remain hidden amongst life as if I had none myself. If rivers are supposed to FLOW from us then I want NIAGRA FALLS coming out of me.

You have a desire that may or may not have to do directly with ministry; it doesn't matter because we are all made to bring Him glory in different ways. I want to encourage you to keep your vision/desire in prayer, pursue it, long for it, and pray that Jesus would have His way in your life. If you are getting caught up in every day "busyness" I pray that God would shake you out of that and that you would enter into a productive/effective lifestyle of worship. 

Don't allow your-self to get caught up in church activities or busyness. Maintain your relationship with Jesus and pursue after Jesus to receive what He has for you. 


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Jesus Loves Peru

Man! I'm so excited, I get to go to the States and visit my friends and my FAMILY. I have been here in Peru for about 7 1/2 months so far. I will be going to the States in less than a week and will be staying there for 2 months to spend time with family, friends and to recharge/reboot/fill-up/rest.... What ever you wanna call it, then I come back and hit the ground running again. Being here I've seen how Jesus really not only wants to transform a person, but a nation in it self.

Whether I'm in the slums of Lima, Peru where you see so many homeless people, houses made out of cartons or flimsy boards, houses stacked right next/on-top of each other, where perversion runs rampant. Or in the fancy part of Lima, where all the people with money live and enjoy life, where they live in excess and have servants for everything so they don't have to lift a finger for anything. Or in North Peru in Chiclayo, Mancora, or Piura where its all desert like, where the heat is so intense that its unbearable because A/C is not really used in ALL of PERU at all! It's rare to go to a restaurant, a building, a store, and less likely a home with A/C... I see a nation that cry's out for a saviour, wanting deliverance, wanting to be connected to a God that gives life, blessings and health, but their idols don't move, talk, or hear. They find hope it in the wrong places. A nation that's dry, where naturally and spiritually there really isn't many springs of life giving water where they can drink from.

Everyone is the same poor, rich, fat, skinny, woman, man, child or adult. They all have a God shaped hole that only He can fill, it's the same everywhere. And as I spend time here and have the many privileges to share the gospel. The compassion of Christ becomes overwhelming, even though it's my body, I know Jesus THROUGH me is ministering love to them. He is wooing them, winning them over, and the sad part is that some eventually miss it. But as I stand on the other side watching all this unfold, I see the devil's plan to destroy their life, to keep them bound, confused them, to get them to offended. Or he wrap's them in this religious mind set, but really it's just generations of demonic stronghold. Witchcraft is something very common and something that is dealt with here. It's weird because when you go into these small towns like Chiclayo, Piura you feel the oppression and the heaviness, the attack and the resistance, but you just have to persevere and fight through it.

Peru, like almost literally all the nations of the world is need for a desperate move of God. Please keep this nation in prayer, there is so much potential here. The people are great, their so loving, they give freely even when they have nothing, they are just simple people with a simple mindset.

These past few years on my spare time I have taken pictures of random things in every day life, it's something I've always enjoyed, there's just something about capturing everyday moments. I really never said anything about it, nor was I open about it. But this past month I have been open about it. And I've done some research and would like to update cameras. I have a small regular Sony "point-and-shoot" 10 megapix pocket cam, but ready to take it to the next level, like "dslr" stuff. I'm not asking for money, but I' am asking for YOUR PRAYERS.... I'm trying to save up money and hopefully before I leave the States at the end of April I would of been able to get the camera. So pray along side with me, that Jesus would bring in the provision and means for this camera. The cost of the camera is about $750 with taxes and shipping cost, and the memory disk for a type of cam like this would be about $30-40. So I need to come up with $775-90... Considering if the store I go to has it in stock, then no shipping is needed and depending of the brand of memory disk I buy. This camera will benefit me greatly during my time here in Peru. Your PRAYER'S are very much needed... This is something obviously out of my reach and not something I can do on my own, only HE can bring the provision.
Here is more info about the camera .... If you like cameras and taking pictures then hopefully you enjoy these links here..... : )

This is stuff about the camera in general:

These are videos of the product, it does some amazing stuff check it out: <--- Sweep Panorama (LOVE this feature) <--- Video & Pictures from the "Sony Alpha NEX-5" Look at the amazing quality on those videos and specially the pictures.

Blessings to all of you... :)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Laborers Along Side Me

Do you remember those times when you had to move and pack your whole house into million boxes and spend days maybe a whole week storing everything. Then the fun part comes! (NOT!) And you have to physically carry all this and put it into the car/van and haul it away only to unload it into your new place walk up a million stairs (or so it feels like it) only to take everything out. Frustrating isn't it! 
When you move everyone desires help, a friend, a laborer, some one to help whether it's 2-4 hours or the whole day, it really doesn't matter how long.
 You just want help! Right?

That's a exactly a point I wanted to make/point-out on today's blog.  We all need laborer's to help us in time of need.

God has shown me a truth, a revelation and understanding of some things regarding His Kingdom and how things work. I want to share that truth, knowledge and wisdom with you.

Being a missionary I' ve realized the IMPORTANCE of FUNDING GOD'S KINGDOM. I want to clarify that you are not funding men or woman or "people" in general. But your financing God's Kingdom and are pouring it into people or in this case, missionaries to do so. 

Me as a missionary here I' m learning that its a hard thing to rely on the body of Christ to fund you when they dont have a revelation or a vision to BUILD God's Kingdom. Do you have a revelation to see souls won to Jesus? To see people saved? To see people delivered from their addictions? To see people FALL IN LOVE WITH JESUS? Do you have that in your heart?

It's not easy, we LITERALLY rely on God for our daily bread, we dont ever have anything secure, we dont ever know if we will have enough rent money, we dont know if we will have funds to go to the States to visit family and friends. We cant have medical insurance because there is no funds, we don't know if we will have hot water for a shower because it was cut off. 

We are limited in our ministry due to lack of funds, we can't proceed in building a building or a location for an orphanage because we need land and a home. All that requires funds, not to mention when the orphanage is up and running, it will require a great deal of monthly steady income to feed the amount of children that were taken in. Traveling expenses are high and money is always insufficient.

Missionaries have laid down their life's for the sake of others, for the sake of the gospel to be spread, for the message of Christ, the Cross, and Redemption to be heard. The gospel is free but it cost money to get it out. Missionaries should not have to eat crumbs and scraps off of the table of the Lord.

3 John 1:6-8(NLT), "They have told the church here of your loving friendship. Please continue providing for such teachers in a manner that pleases God.  For they are traveling forthe Lord, and they accept nothing from people who are not believers. So we ourselves should support them so that we can be their partners as they teach the truth."

When we support them (missionaries) not only do we partner with them as they teach the truth, but we please God as well. God's vision is to see His word preached and when you fund missionaries  you are funding the TRUTH and the LIGHT, you are spreading the HOPE of Jesus to many who are dying with out a SAVIOR.

My vision/the reason I wrote today's blog is to awaken people to understand the need to grow God's Kingdom by supporting missionaries. To understand that there are people laboring tirelessly, there are people who have given up everything, family, friends, homes, comfort, all for the gospel, PEOPLE WHO HAVE COUNTED THE COST AND HAVE ACCEPTED THE CALLING AS IT IS. We as their brothers and sisters in Christ don't even support them in a way where they can minister effectively, we leave them with the minimum and expect them to have "faith" for the rest, when God clearly has/does/and will continue to always use man to complete His Will. 

Jesus is the head and we are the body of Christ. If one part fails, we all fail. There needs to be unity in the body of Christ and understand we are all working to build GOD'S KINGDOM and understand we are not individually building our own kingdoms and ministries; there's a bigger picture here and we can't lose focus.

Luke 10: 2, "

And He said to them, The harvest indeed is abundant [there is much ripe grain], but the farmhands are few. Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest."

I have been praying this, that God would send people to help. It doesn't mean I expect people to quit their job's and move to Peru. But it means, to me, being here with me in spirit, praying for us here (Jose, Kat &amp; Me) that we bear MUCH FRUIT for JESUS, that disciple's would be added to Jesus, not to us. That we lead people into a lifestyle to FALL IN LOVE WITH JESUS. That is our goal, our prayer, that people would see HIM for who HE truly is.

I want to sincerely thank those who have labored WITH US, in the spiritual fields of Peru. Through PRAYER, FINANCES, and PHYSICALLY COMING HERE to help us, and for those who have sent CARE-PACKAGES to us to remind us of home.

My prayer is that as you read this God will open/unveil certain things to you. To remind you that there is Kingdom work to be done and that there is a need for laborers. I encourage you to give your time, money, talents TO GOD. For HIS purpose, for SOULS. I want you to direct your focus to God and HIS WILL. Not to man, to us, or to missionaries. 

We need to empty hell and fill heaven. So let's work together, let's labor together, let's till the ground, let's prepare the soil, let's plant seeds, let's water it, watch it grow with me, and help me gather the harvest and collecting it. 

This is an invitation to GET INVOLVED~!

God has shown me that when people sow into our lives they become laborers in the ministry along side with us. 

Thank You, for laboring  a long side me.